Category: History

The Traditional Bilbao. What`s the origin of our identity?

When we think of traditional Bilbao, a characteristic way of speaking, a specific style of music, different celebrations and unique clothes comes to mind. From where does it come? You need to answer two questions to understand all those elements that create a specific identity for the Traditional Bilbao. The first question is, where does… Continue reading “The Traditional Bilbao. What`s the origin of our identity?”

Tunnels and Passages of Bilbao – The Insides of the City

Would you believe us if we told you that you could tour our city in depth without surfacing by using the tunnels and passages of Bilbao? Between maintenance tunnels, subway, shelters, prisons, arsenals, archives; or, water channels, wine cellars, pantries and food mills, Bilbao is covered by 4 thousand kilometers of underground roads, dark tunnels… Continue reading “Tunnels and Passages of Bilbao – The Insides of the City”

Calle de los Mancebos – The dead of a King and two executions

Returning to medieval Bilbao, this story focuses on the north of the country, more specifically, in the city of Palencia. However, we must first go to the well-known district of Bilbao called “La Latina”, to find Calle de los Mancebos. San Andrés Church is the heart of this quarter, where two notable streets are born.… Continue reading “Calle de los Mancebos – The dead of a King and two executions”


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